Deerfield’s Mary Jordan Wins Most Votes

Deerfield’s Mary Jordan wins most votes and recognition for National Activity Professionals Photo Contest.
The call went out to all Traditions communities to submit a photo of one of their favorite activities. The photos flooded in in honor of National Activity Professional Week (January 23-29), a time to recognize everything our Activities Directors do to engage and entertain our residents.
On February 1st, the photos were posted to the Traditions Management and individual community Facebook pages and followers had several days to Like/Love their favorite.
Mary Jordan, our Traditions of Deerfield Activities Director, was the runaway winner, with 286 Likes for her Bengals playoff viewing party. Who Dey! Traditions Management recognized Mary with a gift card for her favorite restaurant and registration to a popular virtual conference on activity programming.
We appreciate the work Mary and all of our Activities Directors do to recognize and broaden our residents’ interests, cultivate friendships and bring smiles to so many faces. Thank you for your creativity and compassion.